Minggu, 09 Desember 2012


1. Indonesian CitizenshipWhat is meant by citizenship Indonesia under Law 12 of 2006 on Citizenship is as follows:a. Every person who under the laws of two / or by agreement with the Government of Indonesia other countries before this Act applies is already a citizen.b. Children born of the legitimate marriage of a father and mother WNI.c. Children born of the legitimate marriage of a citizen father and mother foreigners.d. Children born of the legitimate marriage of a father and mother citizen foreigners.e. Children born of the legitimate marriage of a citizen mother, but his father did not have legal citizenship or country of origin of his father did not give citizenship to the child.f. A child born within 300 days after his father died of a legitimate marriage and his father WNI.g. Children born outside of legal marriage of a citizen mother.h. Children born out of wedlock to a mother who sh foreigners as his son and the confession made before the child is aged 18 years or unmarried.i. Children born in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia which was not apparent at birth citizenship ststus father and mother.j. Bearu born child found in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia for the father and mother are unknown.k. Children born in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia when his mother and father have no nationality or whereabouts are unknown.l. Children born outside the territory of the Republic of Indonesia of a father and mother citizen who because of the provisions of the local state child born to give citizenship kepadas child.m. The son of a father and mother who were granted citizenship petition, then his father and mother died before stated jannji oath and faithful.
2. Principle of CitizenshipThe principle of citizenship is daklam thinking to determine whether or not someone come in and become a member / citizen of a country.Adapaun principles adopted in Act 12 of 2006 are as follows:
a. The principle of Ius Soli (Low of the Soli)Is a principle that determines a person's nationality by country of birth.b. The principle of Ius Sanguine (Law of The Blood)Is the determination of citizenship by descent / consanguinity. That is the determination of citizenship based on nationality of the parents and not by country of birth.c. Principle of Single CitizenshipIt is the principle that determines the nationality of every person.d. Principle of Limited Dual CitizenshipIs the determining principle of dual citizenship for children according gengan provisions stipulated in this law.
3. Principle of Citizenship OtherIn addition to the above principles, some principles are also a basis for the preparation UndanUndang Citizenship RIa. The principle of national interests having second principle which determines the citizenship rules mengutamanakn Indonesia's national interests, determined to defend the sovereignty of a unitary state that has ideals.b. The principle of maximum protection is the principle that the government arrives determine shall provide full protection to every citizen of Indonesia under any circumstances both within and outside the country.c. The principle of equality before the law and the government is a principle which determines that every Indonesian citizen gets the same treatment in law and government.d. The principle of substantive truth is someone naturalization procedure not only administrative, but jiga substance and terms of applications can be accounted for righteousness.e. The principle is a principle that is not nondiskriminatif membedakanperlakuan in everything related to the early citizens on the basis of ethnicity, race, religion, class, sex and gender.f. The principle of recognition and respect for human rights is the same principle in all matters relating to the early citizens must ensure, protect and honor human rights.g. The principle of publicity is the principle that determines that a person acquiring or losing citizenship RI RI announced in the State so that people know.
4. Citizenship Law in IndonesiaSome legislation on citizenship of Indonesia after Indonesia's independence as follows:a. Article 26 of the 1945 Constitutionb. Act 3 of 1946c. The results of the approval of the Round Table Conferenced. Act No.62 of 1958e. Act 3 of 1976f. RI Act 12 of 2006
5. How to obtain citizenshipUnder Act 12 of 2006 has been mentioned several ways to obtain Indonesian citizenship in rimgkas.a. Meet the requirements of naturalization RI.b. Applicants applying for naturalization is written in Indonesian language with sufficient stamp duty to the President through the Minister presented to the officials.c. The applicant shall submit documents or immigration papers in her name to the immigration office within 14 days after the statement swearing or jamji faithful.d. Minister announced the names of people who have acquired citizenship in the News Negar RI.e. Further provisions on the procedure caara filed and obtained citizenship of Indonesia Government Regulation.
6. Loss of Citizenship RIUnder Act 12 of 2006 one Indonesian citizen will lose his citizenship if it fulfills the following:a. Choosing another citizenship on his own.b. Do not resist and did not release another citizenship, while the persons concerned have the opportunity for it.c. Log in foreign military service without permission president.d. Voluntarily entered the foreign service.e. Participate in the selection of something that is constituti

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