Saya hari in posting mata pelajaran kimia yang meterinya hidrokarbon.
Dalam bidang kimia, hidrokarbon adalah sebuah senyawa yang terdiri dari unsur atom karbon (C) dan atom hidrogen (H). Seluruh hidrokarbon memiliki rantai karbon dan atom-atom hidrogen yang berikatan dengan rantai tersebut. Istilah tersebut digunakan juga sebagai pengertian dari hidrokarbon alifatik.
Sebagai contoh, metana (gas rawa) adalah hidrokarbon dengan satu atom karbon dan empat atom hidrogen: CH4. Etana adalah hidrokarbon (lebih terperinci, sebuah alkana) yang terdiri dari dua atom karbon bersatu dengan sebuah ikatan tunggal, masing-masing mengikat tiga atom karbon: C2H6. Propana memiliki tiga atom C (C3H8) dan seterusnya (CnH2·n+2).
Tipe-tipe hidrokarbon
Klasifikasi hidrokarbon yang
dikelompokkan oleh tatanama organik
- Hidrokarbon jenuh/tersaturasi (alkana) adalah hidrokarbon yang paling sederhana. Hidrokarbon ini seluruhnya terdiri dari ikatan tunggal dan terikat dengan hidrogen. Rumus umum untuk hidrokarbon tersaturasi adalah CnH2n+2.[1] Hidrokarbon jenuh merupakan komposisi utama pada bahan bakar fosil dan ditemukan dalam bentuk rantai lurus maupun bercabang. Hidrokarbon dengan rumus molekul sama tapi rumus strukturnya berbeda dinamakan isomer struktur.[2]
- Hidrokarbon tak jenuh/tak tersaturasi adalah hidrokarbon yang memiliki satu atau lebih ikatan rangkap, baik rangkap dua maupun rangkap tiga. Hidrokarbon yang mempunyai ikatan rangkap dua disebut dengan alkena, dengan rumus umum CnH2n.[3] Hidrokarbon yang mempunyai ikatan rangkap tiga disebut alkuna, dengan rumus umum CnH2n-2.[4]
- Sikloalkana adalah hidrokarbon yang mengandung satu atau lebih cincin karbon. Rumus umum untuk hidrokarbon jenuh dengan 1 cincin adalah CnH2n.[2]
- Hidrokarbon aromatik, juga dikenal dengan arena, adalah hidrokarbon yang paling tidak mempunyai satu cincin aromatik.
Hidrokarbon dapat berbentuk gas (contohnya metana dan propana), cairan (contohnya heksana dan benzena), lilin
atau padatan dengan titik didih rendah (contohnya paraffin
wax dan naftalena) atau polimer (contohnya polietilena,
polipropilena dan polistirena).
Dalam bidang kimia, hidrokarbon adalah sebuah senyawa yang terdiri dari unsur atom karbon (C) dan atom hidrogen (H). Seluruh hidrokarbon memiliki rantai karbon dan atom-atom hidrogen yang berikatan dengan rantai tersebut. Istilah tersebut digunakan juga sebagai pengertian dari hidrokarbon alifatik.
Sebagai contoh, metana (gas rawa) adalah hidrokarbon dengan satu atom karbon dan empat atom hidrogen: CH4. Etana adalah hidrokarbon (lebih terperinci, sebuah alkana) yang terdiri dari dua atom karbon bersatu dengan sebuah ikatan tunggal, masing-masing mengikat tiga atom karbon: C2H6. Propana memiliki tiga atom C (C3H8) dan seterusnya (CnH2·n+2).
Tipe-tipe hidrokarbon
jenuh/tersaturasi (alkana)
adalah hidrokarbon yang paling sederhana. Hidrokarbon ini seluruhnya terdiri
dari ikatan tunggal dan terikat dengan hidrogen. Rumus umum untuk hidrokarbon
tersaturasi adalah CnH2n+2.[1] Hidrokarbon jenuh merupakan komposisi utama pada bahan
bakar fosil dan ditemukan dalam bentuk rantai lurus maupun bercabang.
Hidrokarbon dengan rumus molekul sama tapi rumus
berbeda dinamakan isomer
tak jenuh/tak
tersaturasi adalah hidrokarbon yang memiliki satu atau lebih ikatan rangkap,
baik rangkap dua maupun rangkap tiga. Hidrokarbon yang mempunyai ikatan rangkap
dua disebut dengan alkena, dengan rumus umum CnH2n.[3] Hidrokarbon yang mempunyai ikatan rangkap tiga disebut alkuna, dengan rumus umum CnH2n-2.[4]
Sikloalkana adalah hidrokarbon yang mengandung satu atau lebih cincin
karbon. Rumus umum untuk hidrokarbon jenuh dengan 1 cincin adalah CnH2n.[2]
Hidrokarbon aromatik, juga dikenal dengan arena, adalah hidrokarbon yang paling
tidak mempunyai satu cincin
Hidrokarbon dapat berbentuk gas (contohnya metana dan propana), cairan (contohnya heksana dan benzena), lilin atau padatan dengan titik didih rendah (contohnya paraffin wax dan naftalena) atau polimer (c Ciri-ciri umum
Karena struktur molekulnya berbeda, maka rumus empiris antara hidrokarbon pun juga berbeda: jumlah hidrokarbon yang diikat pada alkena dan alkuna pasti lebih sedikit karena atom karbonnya berikatan rangkap.Kemampuan hidrokarbon untuk berikatan dengan dirinya sendiri disebut dengan katenasi, dan menyebabkan hidrokarbon bisa membentuk senyawa-senyawa yang lebih kompleks, seperti sikloheksana atau arena seperti benzena. Kemampuan ini didapat karena karakteristik ikatan di antara atom karbon bersifat non-polar.
Sesuai dengan teori ikatan valensi, atom karbon harus memenuhi aturan "4-hidrogen" yang menyatakan jumlah atom maksimum yang dapat berikatan dengan karbon, karena karbon mempunyai 4 elektron valensi. Dilihat dari elektron valensi ini, maka karbon mempunyai 4 elektron yang bisa membentuk ikatan kovalen atau ikatan dativ.
Hidrokarbon bersifat hidrofobik dan termasuk dalam lipid.
Beberapa hidrokarbon tersedia melimpah di tata surya. Danau berisi metana dan etana cair telah ditemukan pada Titan, satelit alam terbesar Saturnus, seperti dinyatakan oleh Misi Cassini-Huygens.[5]
I am posting today in chemical subjects meterinya hydrocarbons
In chemistry, a hydrocarbon is a compound composed of the
elements carbon (C) and hydrogen atoms (H). The entire chain hydrocarbons
having carbon and hydrogen atoms bonded to the chain. The term is used also as
a sense of aliphatic hydrocarbons.
For example, methane (swamp gas) is a hydrocarbon with one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms: CH4. Ethane is a hydrocarbon (more specifically, an alkane) consisting of two carbon atoms are united by a single bond, each of which binds to three carbon atoms: C2H6. Propane has three C atoms (C3H8) and beyond (CnH2 • n +2).
Types of hydrocarbons
Classification of hydrocarbons, which are grouped by organic nomenclature is:
1. Hydrocarbon saturated / saturated (alkanes) are the simplest hydrocarbon. Hydrocarbons is composed entirely of a single bond and bound with hydrogen. The general formula for saturated hydrocarbons is CnH2n +2. [1] is the main composition of saturated hydrocarbons in fossil fuels and is found in the form of straight or branched chain. Hydrocarbons with the same molecular formula but different structural formulas called structural isomers. [2]
2. Unsaturated hydrocarbons / is not saturated hydrocarbons which have one or more double bonds, either duplicate or triplicate. Hydrocarbons having double bonds called alkenes, with the general formula CnH2n. [3] hydrocarbons that have a triple bond are called alkynes, with general formula CnH2n-2. [4]
3. Cycloalkanes are hydrocarbons containing one or more carbon rings. The general formula for saturated hydrocarbons is CnH2n ring with 1. [2]
4. Aromatic hydrocarbons, also known as the arena, are hydrocarbons that have at least one aromatic ring.
Gaseous hydrocarbon (eg methane and propane), liquids (eg hexane and benzene), waxes or solids with a low boiling point (eg paraffin wax and naphthalene) or polymers (eg, polyethylene, polypropylene and polystyrene).
In chemistry, a hydrocarbon is a compound composed of the elements carbon (C) and hydrogen atoms (H). The entire chain hydrocarbons having carbon and hydrogen atoms bonded to the chain. The term is used also as a sense of aliphatic hydrocarbons.
For example, methane (swamp gas) is a hydrocarbon with one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms: CH4. Ethane is a hydrocarbon (more specifically, an alkane) consisting of two carbon atoms are united by a single bond, each of which binds to three carbon atoms: C2H6. Propane has three C atoms (C3H8) and beyond (CnH2 • n +2).
Types of hydrocarbons
Classification of hydrocarbons, which are grouped by organic nomenclature is:
1. Hydrocarbon saturated / saturated (alkanes) are the simplest hydrocarbon. Hydrocarbons is composed entirely of a single bond and bound with hydrogen. The general formula for saturated hydrocarbons is CnH2n +2. [1] is the main composition of saturated hydrocarbons in fossil fuels and is found in the form of straight or branched chain. Hydrocarbons with the same molecular formula but different structural formulas called structural isomers. [2]
2. Unsaturated hydrocarbons / is not saturated hydrocarbons which have one or more double bonds, either duplicate or triplicate. Hydrocarbons having double bonds called alkenes, with the general formula CnH2n. [3] hydrocarbons that have a triple bond are called alkynes, with general formula CnH2n-2. [4]
3. Cycloalkanes are hydrocarbons containing one or more carbon rings. The general formula for saturated hydrocarbons is CnH2n ring with 1. [2]
4. Aromatic hydrocarbons, also known as the arena, are hydrocarbons that have at least one aromatic ring.
Gaseous hydrocarbon (eg methane and propane), liquids (eg hexane and benzene), waxes or solids with a low boiling point (eg paraffin wax and naphthalene) or polymers (c common feature
Because of its molecular structure is different, then the empirical formula of the hydrocarbon was also different: the amount of hydrocarbon bound to alkenes and alkynes definitely less because carbon atoms bonded duplicate.
The ability of hydrocarbons to bond with itself called katenasi, and cause hydrocarbons can form compounds that are more complex, such as cyclohexane or benzene arena. This ability is obtained due to the characteristics of the bonds between carbon atoms are non-polar.
In accordance with the valence bond theory, the carbon atom must satisfy the rule "4-hydrogen" which states the maximum number of atoms that can be bonded to the carbon, because carbon has four valence electrons. Judging from the valence electrons, the carbon has four electrons that can form covalent bonds or dative bonds.
Hydrocarbons are hydrophobic and are included in the lipid.
Some hydrocarbons are available in abundance in the solar system. Lakes containing liquid methane and ethane have been found on Titan, the largest natural satellite of Saturn, as stated by the Cassini-Huygens mission. [5]
ontohnya polyethylene, polypropylene and polystyrene).
For example, methane (swamp gas) is a hydrocarbon with one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms: CH4. Ethane is a hydrocarbon (more specifically, an alkane) consisting of two carbon atoms are united by a single bond, each of which binds to three carbon atoms: C2H6. Propane has three C atoms (C3H8) and beyond (CnH2 • n +2).
Types of hydrocarbons
Classification of hydrocarbons, which are grouped by organic nomenclature is:
1. Hydrocarbon saturated / saturated (alkanes) are the simplest hydrocarbon. Hydrocarbons is composed entirely of a single bond and bound with hydrogen. The general formula for saturated hydrocarbons is CnH2n +2. [1] is the main composition of saturated hydrocarbons in fossil fuels and is found in the form of straight or branched chain. Hydrocarbons with the same molecular formula but different structural formulas called structural isomers. [2]
2. Unsaturated hydrocarbons / is not saturated hydrocarbons which have one or more double bonds, either duplicate or triplicate. Hydrocarbons having double bonds called alkenes, with the general formula CnH2n. [3] hydrocarbons that have a triple bond are called alkynes, with general formula CnH2n-2. [4]
3. Cycloalkanes are hydrocarbons containing one or more carbon rings. The general formula for saturated hydrocarbons is CnH2n ring with 1. [2]
4. Aromatic hydrocarbons, also known as the arena, are hydrocarbons that have at least one aromatic ring.
Gaseous hydrocarbon (eg methane and propane), liquids (eg hexane and benzene), waxes or solids with a low boiling point (eg paraffin wax and naphthalene) or polymers (eg, polyethylene, polypropylene and polystyrene).
In chemistry, a hydrocarbon is a compound composed of the elements carbon (C) and hydrogen atoms (H). The entire chain hydrocarbons having carbon and hydrogen atoms bonded to the chain. The term is used also as a sense of aliphatic hydrocarbons.
For example, methane (swamp gas) is a hydrocarbon with one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms: CH4. Ethane is a hydrocarbon (more specifically, an alkane) consisting of two carbon atoms are united by a single bond, each of which binds to three carbon atoms: C2H6. Propane has three C atoms (C3H8) and beyond (CnH2 • n +2).
Types of hydrocarbons
Classification of hydrocarbons, which are grouped by organic nomenclature is:
1. Hydrocarbon saturated / saturated (alkanes) are the simplest hydrocarbon. Hydrocarbons is composed entirely of a single bond and bound with hydrogen. The general formula for saturated hydrocarbons is CnH2n +2. [1] is the main composition of saturated hydrocarbons in fossil fuels and is found in the form of straight or branched chain. Hydrocarbons with the same molecular formula but different structural formulas called structural isomers. [2]
2. Unsaturated hydrocarbons / is not saturated hydrocarbons which have one or more double bonds, either duplicate or triplicate. Hydrocarbons having double bonds called alkenes, with the general formula CnH2n. [3] hydrocarbons that have a triple bond are called alkynes, with general formula CnH2n-2. [4]
3. Cycloalkanes are hydrocarbons containing one or more carbon rings. The general formula for saturated hydrocarbons is CnH2n ring with 1. [2]
4. Aromatic hydrocarbons, also known as the arena, are hydrocarbons that have at least one aromatic ring.
Gaseous hydrocarbon (eg methane and propane), liquids (eg hexane and benzene), waxes or solids with a low boiling point (eg paraffin wax and naphthalene) or polymers (c common feature
Because of its molecular structure is different, then the empirical formula of the hydrocarbon was also different: the amount of hydrocarbon bound to alkenes and alkynes definitely less because carbon atoms bonded duplicate.
The ability of hydrocarbons to bond with itself called katenasi, and cause hydrocarbons can form compounds that are more complex, such as cyclohexane or benzene arena. This ability is obtained due to the characteristics of the bonds between carbon atoms are non-polar.
In accordance with the valence bond theory, the carbon atom must satisfy the rule "4-hydrogen" which states the maximum number of atoms that can be bonded to the carbon, because carbon has four valence electrons. Judging from the valence electrons, the carbon has four electrons that can form covalent bonds or dative bonds.
Hydrocarbons are hydrophobic and are included in the lipid.
Some hydrocarbons are available in abundance in the solar system. Lakes containing liquid methane and ethane have been found on Titan, the largest natural satellite of Saturn, as stated by the Cassini-Huygens mission. [5]
ontohnya polyethylene, polypropylene and polystyrene).
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