Minggu, 09 Desember 2012



According to Prof. Dr. Notonagoro:

The right is the power to accept or perform a proper received or made solely by certain parties and not by any other party which in principle can be prosecuted by force by her ..

Rights and Responsibilities is something that can not be separated, but there is a contradiction because the rights and obligations of balance. That every citizen has the right and obligation to earn a decent living, but in fact many citizens who do not feel well-being to live a life. All this happened because the government and high officials prioritize more rights than obligations. Though being an official is not enough to just have a rank but they are obliged to think for myself. If the situation is like this, then there is no balance between rights and obligations. If the balance is not there will be a persistent social inequalities.

To achieve a balance between rights and obligations, that is by knowing the position of ourselves. As a citizen should know their rights and obligations. An official or government should know their rights and obligations. As already stated in the law and the rules and regulations. If the rights and obligations of a balanced and fulfilled, then it would be safe prosperous society. Rights and obligations in Indonesia will never be balanced. If people do not move to change it. Because officials will never change, even though many people suffer because of this. They are more concerned with how to get the material rather than thinking of the people, until now there are many people who do not get their due. Therefore, we as citizens of a democratic country should wake up from your dream and turn this bad for your rights and do not forget to perform our duty as people of Indonesia.

As stipulated in the 1945 Constitution, in Article 28, which stipulates that the rights of citizens and residents of association and assembly, of expression orally and in writing, and so on, the terms shall be governed by law. This article reflects that the state is democratic Indonesia. In and government officials to prepare for the equivalent of our lives. Indonesia should uphold this nation to a better life and move forward. That is the exercise rights and obligations in balance. By considering the small peoples who have a less caring and not getting their rights.


1. Being a Citizen Relations with the State of Being relations of citizens and the state is generally a role (role).

2. Rights and Duties of Citizens Indonesia Indonesian citizen rights obligations contained in article 27 to article 34 of the 1945 Constitution.

Indonesian Citizens Rights:

- The right to employment and decent living: "Every citizen has the right to

employment and decent living for humanity "(Article 27 paragraph 2).

- The right to life and sustain life: "Every person has the right to live and to defend life and living." (Article 28A).

- The right to form a family and continue the descent through a legal marriage (Article 28B paragraph 1).

- The right to survival. "Every child has the right to live, to grow, and Growing"

- The right to develop themselves and through the fulfillment of their basic needs and is entitled to education, science and technology, art and culture for

improve the quality of life for the welfare of human life. (Article 28C Paragraph 1)

- Right to advance himself in the fight for their rights collectively to build the community, nation, and state. (Article 28C Paragraph 2).

- The right to recognition, security, protection, legal certainty and a fair and

equal treatment before the law. (Article 28D paragraph 1).

- The right to have a private property right to life, freedom from torture, freedom of thought and conscience, freedom of religion, freedom from enslavement,

right to recognition as a person before the law, and the right not to be prosecuted on the basis of a retroactive law is a human right that can not be reduced under any circumstances. (Article 28I Paragraph 1).

Indonesian citizen obligations:

- Obligation to obey the law and government. Article 27 paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution reads:

all citizens shall be equal before the law and the government

and obliged to uphold the law and the government, without exception.

- Mandatory participation in the defense effort. Article 27 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution

states: every citizen has the right and duty to participate in the effort

defense of the country ".

- Obligation to respect human rights of others. Article 28J Paragraph 1 says:

Everyone is obliged to respect of human rights of others

- Mandatory subject to restrictions established by law. Article 28J Paragraph 2 states: "In exercising their rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject to the restrictions established by law for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others to meet the demands that are appropriate to the moral considerations, value- religious values, security and public order in a democratic society. "

- Mandatory participation in the defense and security of the country. Article 30 paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution. states: "every citizen has the right and duty to participate in the defense and security of the country."

Rights and Responsibilities has been included in the 1945 Constitution, article 26, 27, 28, and 30, namely:

1. Article 26, paragraph (1), the citizens are the ones native of Indonesia and the people of other nations who passed the law as citizens. And in paragraph (2), regarding citizenship requirements set by law.

2. Article 27, paragraph (1), together with all citizens equal before the

law and government, are obliged to uphold the law and government. In subsection (2), taip every citizen has the right to employment and decent living for humanity.

3. Article 28, freedom of association and assembly, of expression orally, and so defined by law.

4. Article 30, paragraph (1), the rights and obligations of citizens to participate in the defense of the country. And subsection (2) states further adjustment is set by law.

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