Minggu, 09 Desember 2012


1. Definition
According to Almond and Verba, The Civic Culture in his book (the political culture of citizenship) states that'' political culture is an individual's attitude toward the political system and its components are also individual attitudes towards the role that can be played in a system politik.Kemudian Lary Diamond, experts pursue politics on the development of research on political culture seebagai keyakian, attitudes, values, ideas, sentiments and allocated evluasi a society of national political systems and the role of each individual in the system itu.Atau practical, political culture is a set of values -values
​​that are the foundation of the actors to perform actions in the political sphere.

2. Politics as cultural objects Politics
• political system
The political system: defined as actions related to'''' binding decisions of a political system masyarakat.Unit is politik.Input actions in the form of demand and support to enter politik.Output system in the form of decisions and actions politik.Jika memuasakan generate support for, and if it should be spawned new tuntuan.
• The political system as an object of political culture
by David Easton, given as a set of interaction terms diabstrakkan, where the values
​​allocated to masyarakat.Dengan other words, the political system is part of a social system that is running the allocation of values ​​(in the form of decisions or policies) that is otoratif.Untuk illustrate the workings of the political system (David Easton) (refer to diagram 1)

Political System Diagram

input output decision
support and action

Linkage with the political culture and political systems olehAlmond Powell that political culture is a psychological dimension'' of the political system''.

3. Component of political culture
1. cognitive
includes knowledge / understanding and individual beliefs about the political system and its attributes, such as the state capital, coat of arms, heads of state, national borders, the currency used, elections / elections, political parties, parliament function / parliaments, political parties etc.
2. affective nature: concerns feelings or emotional bond that is owned by an individual against the system politikcontoh: feeling of optimism that direct Pemikada dpat obtain a more qualified head and closer to the people
3. evaluative: mengkut individual capacity in order to provide an assessment of the political system and ongoing bagimana indivu role in dalamnya.contoh: a commitment to support the implementation of direct Pimiluka sesaui with rules

4. political cultural values
political system adopted by a country can sederna digonngkan into the political system of democracy and authoritarian political system, the political culture it can be democratic and authoritarian.

The values
​​of a democratic political culture values ​​authoritarian political culture
Feudal high independence
High Dependency

a. parochial political culture
That individuals have a low expectation and concern of the government and the general public do not feel that type terlibat.Sehingga parochial political culture can also be said to have traits such as not having orentasi or any view at all either knowledge (cognitive), attitudes (affective ) and assessment (evaluation) to the object of politics (political system).
b.budaya political subjects
political culture of the community are subject jikasuatu orintasi a high frequency of the political system in general knowledge and understanding of the object output or strengthening policies made by the government.
Political c.budaya participants
orientation of all political objects as a whole (input, output), and to yourself as a political actor, he is active as well as provide feedback or to actively influence public policy (input) is also involved in the implementation or execution of public policy (output)


Political a.budaya abangan
abangan political culture is the political culture that emphasizes community aspects of animism or belief in the existence of spirits that can affect the lives manusia.Semacam PKI and PNI
b. political culture students
students of political culture is a culture that emphasizes the religious aspects especially religious Islam.Pada past, kelompoksantri tend berafiasai at NU party, or Masyumi.Kini, they berafialiasi at parties like PKS, PKB, PPP and other Islam-based parties.
Political c.budaya priyayi
priyayi political culture is the political culture that emphasizes virtue tradisi.Kelompok priyayi often contrasted with past petani.Pada groups, community groups affiliated with the party PNI.Kini gentry, those affiliated with Golkar party.

1. before the formation of the state of RI is kedualatan people
Bung Hatta shows pijkakan democratic culture is actually no stranger to the people of Indonesia, kerna contains three main properties, meeting goals, ideals of mass protests, the ideals of mutual help has been known in the old democracy in our country.
While Kuntowijoyo (1999) there are 2 menatakan heritage of the nation's political culture that is affirmative (pengukuh kekeuasaan) which is a feudalistic political tradition BU (MIND UTOMO) and critical political culture (supervisor against kekusaan) as a democratic political tradition SI (Islamic States).
Tensions between political culture and cultural feudalistic demokNGKrasi visible from Soetatmo and dr.Tjipto Mangungkusumo opinion.
Soetatmo: look in terms of culture, the culture of Java since the days of the national movement has dominated.
Dr.Tjipto Mangukusumo: in terms of the political ideal of a pluralistic society that is more appropriate Indonesia as a unitary state developed a high menunung kemajemukan.Negara a high menunjung kememukan is a democratic country.
Thus, although the Indonesian people before kemedekaan has the potential democratic political culture or political culture of the participants, but also still a strong understanding dibarangi feodalisme.Berkembang kauala can host and promote a culture of parochial type of society because they are grouped on the'' big'' wong ' 'wong Cilek''. Solidarity powerful groups can encourage the growing political role was limited to the connective-oriented groups.
2. after Indonesian independence
 guided democracy in the political culture was largely feudalistic
Ø culture where the concept of the state igralistik (one unit) with the conception of the president, with slogam that all members of the family had to eat at the table and working at a desk to encourage the establishment of cooperation culvert cabinet, which consists of representing all major parties and schools of thought nasioalis, Islam, Communism.
 This condition continued in the new order in which the presidency is
Ø dominant even sacred impression of critics and people control
 In the order of the reform, with the amendment of the 1945
Ø Constitution states that institutional pemgembangan tertama developed only between the executive with the legislature in the same position kuat.Kembagaan countries to support democracy and the rule of law is also developing rapidly nowadays known kit: MK, KY, Komnas HAM, KPK, OMBUSMAN.

 Gabriel A. Almond
Political socialization suggests the process by which political attitudes and patterns of political behavior is acquired or created, and is also a means for a generation to deliver milestones politics and political beliefs to the next generation.
 David F. Aberle, in "Culture and Socialization"
Political socialization is the patterns of social action, or aspects of behavior, which instill in individuals the skills (including science), motives and attitudes that need to display the current roles or middle anticipated (and ongoing) over the life of a normal human being, as far as new roles will still have to be studied.
 Richard E. Dawson et al.
Political socialization can be viewed as a succession of knowledge, values
​​and political views of parents, teachers, and the means to disseminate other new citizens and those who reach adulthood.

 authority through specific individual, such as the child's parents, the president and the police.
 distinction between internal and external authority, ie between private and government officials.
 The introduction of the political institutions are impersonal, like
o congress (parliament), the supreme court, and voting (election).
 distinction between political institutions and those engaged in activities associated with these institutions

 Political Party
 Group associate
 direct political contacts

In the process of political socialization, on the same footing means pentingya.Besar least sanarana role-means above depends on:
1. intensity level of interaction among individuals with existing facilities
2. communication process that takes place between individuals by means of earlier
3. penekunan level individuals who undergo a process of political socialization
4. age of the individuals concerned

Importance Sosilisasi Pengemngan Political Culture
Political culture in society should have evolved towards more is good.TO it takes a strategy in the political culture of the community to be able to walk k earah better.
Samuel Meneurut P.HUNTINTNGTON, the modernization of the political culture is characterized by three things, namely rasionalsisasi wewnang, difernsiasi structure and expansion of public participation in politics.
1. political attitudes are rational and autonomous within the community
the attitude of the community is no longer an option to choose a political choice based on what is selected by the leader or leaders of both religions pemimmpin adat.masyarakat vote because election itself based assessment for future baik.ia no longer choose the style in the style of choice being bandwagon.
2. difensiasi structure
that is to say, there are tasks that need specification dilakukan.Dalam this situation, a person no longer do all the things, for example, as well as religious leaders and politik.Bila two tasks were together in one person or institution, means differentiation has not occurred in the structure it. In the modern political culture, is precisely semekin clear differentiation.
3. expansion of political participation in society
people more aware or literate politik.Mereka realize that the political choices they make will determine their fate in the future.
When all three indicators of political culture has grown in the community then the political culture of a democratic find esensinya.Menurut Almond and Verba, democratic political culture is a combination of the political culture of participants, subjects, and parochial.

In The Civic Culture, Almond and Verba argued cross-national survey (cross-national) about the political culture. Their research concludes that ¬ each of the five countries examined, the United States, Britain, Germany, Italy, and Mexico, has its own political culture.
 America and Britain in general characterized by the acceptance of the
ü political system, by a level of political participation is quite high and by a widespread feeling among the respondents that they can influence events up to a certain extent.
 greater pressure is put the Americans on the issue of participation,
 while the UK showed a greater respect for their government. The political culture of
 Germany is characterized by a degree of attitude that is not affected
ü by the system and a more passive attitude towards participation. Nevertheless, the respondents felt able to influence these events.
 While in Mexico is a form of a mixture of acceptance of political theory and the alienation of the substance.


citizen participant political culture digmbarkan by Gabreal and Almond as a form of culture in which members of the public tend diorentasikan explicitly to the system as a whole, the structure and the political process and admistratif, in other words to
input and utput of the political system. Miraculous properties considered essential to realize the democratic personality, among others:
According to Laswell democratic personality include:
a. warm attitude towards others
b. accept values
​​with others
c. has extensive sederatan about values
d. put environmental kepercayaerhadap
e. have the liberty which is relative anxiety
Therefore, the properties of which will be an obstacle to the realization of democratic citizenship should be avoided. The properties include:
1. conservative: it is an attitude that leads to the formation of a closed stance and attitude of extreme
2. Authoritarian: kebribadian should be avoided as contrary to democratic kebribadian contih: their opinions easily shaped by sentiment
3. subject political culture: the form of the pengkuan and obedience to the government without the involvement of government affairs should be avoided as a subject pasif.Padahal hanyaa the expected public / democratic state is the subject of active
4. berbudya parochial politics: No matter trhadap political system
5. stone sponge citizen and citizen
stone citizen: the tough merima opinions of others and his own hard mengemukkan
citezen including foam sponge group, where he was willing to accept the opinions of lainn, he actively participates, but it is difficult mengemukkan idea, an opinion on its own isiaitif (Nu'man Somantri)

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