en-finger typing
Hello ... "this time I will write about how to type faster using 10 fingers. Typing is an activity or work performed and wrote something to convey a word or phrase into apaper (typewriter) or screen (computer or laptop) , is now fast typing a thing oractivities required to support the day-to-day work in order to finish quickly. therefore we must continue to learn and practice typing dengna way jari2 familiarize you to press a certain key on the keyboard.
Here are tips to type quickly using 10 fingers.
put your hands on the keyboard and place your fingers according to the image above.
Left Hand Function
Little finger: The letters A, Q, Z, Figures 1 and Shift keys, Tab, CapsLock
Jari Manis: letters W, S, X, and Figures 2
Middle Finger: The letters E, D, C, and Figures 3
Finger Forefinger: Letter R, F, T, V, G, B, Y and Figures 4,5,6
Right hand function
Finger Forefinger: Letter Y, U, H, J, B, N, M and Figures 6.7
Middle Finger: The letters I, K, comma and figure 8
Jari Manis: letters L, O dot and number 9
Little finger: Letter P, semicolon and slash
Thumb / thumb to press the space bar and alt.
when the position of the hand was ready to type, do typing something you want totype over and over again to be more accustomed to using his fingers to typeaccording to the alphabet.
try to practice your typing these words are repeated below:
1. asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; (50x)
2. qweruiop qweruiop qweruiop qweruiop qweruiop qweruiop qweruiop (50x)
3. zxcvm,. / zxcvm,. / zxcvm,. / zxcvm,. / zxcvm,. / zxcvm,. / zxcvm,. / zxcvm,. /(50x)
Hopefully by constantly doing these exercises become more familiar.
so, .. I hope my writing can provide useful
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