Under legislation - 1945 constitution of the Republic of Indonesia government system is as follows:1. Indonesian state based on law, not by power alone.2. System of government based on the constitution (basic law) non-absolutism (unlimited power)3. State power in the hands of the supreme deliberative assembly of the people.4. The President is the supreme organizer of the State government under MPR. In running state government power and responsibility are prsiden hands.5. The President is not accountable to Parliament. The President must be approved by parliaments in shaping legislation - legislation and to set a budget and state spending.6. Minister of State is a presidential aide who appoint and dismiss ministers of State. Minister of State is not responsible to Parliament.7. Head of the State unlimited powers. the president should pay attention to it
Really effort DPRThe power of the State of Indonesia according to the constitution 1 to chapter 16. Article 19 to Article 23 paragraph (1) and paragraph (5), and Article 24 are:
1. Run power laws - State legislation or executive power by the government.
2. The power to give consideration to the state government or consultative powers by DPA.
3. Power to make laws - State laws or legislative powers by Parliament.
4. Powers held a state audit or authority or power inspektif eksaminatif by BPK.
5. Retain regulatory powers - State legislation or judicial power by the Supreme Court.
Based on MPR decree number III / MPR/1978 of the position and relationship functioning of the State with the highest institution or between institutions - High-State institutions are as follows.
1. The state is the highest institution of deliberative assemblies of the people. Assembly as the highest authority in the country by implementing the sovereignty of the people to elect and appoint the president and vice-president or the mandate to carry out the line - State Policy Guidelines (Guidelines) and decisions - decisions MPR. MPR can also dismissed the president before the term of office expired at his own request, was unable to remain in accordance with Article 8 UUD 1945, or indeed - it violates State Policy set by the Assembly.
2. Institutions - State higher institutions in accordance with the order contained in the 1945 Constitution is the president (Article 4-15), DPA (Article 16), the Parliament (Article 19-22), CPC (Article 23), and MA (Article 24).o The President is the organizer of the highest government authority under MPR. In conducting its activities assisted by a vice president. President on behalf of the government (executive) together - together with the House of Representatives to form the law including budget setting. With the approval of the House of Representatives, the president can declare war.o consideration of the Supreme Council (DPA) is a material advisor to the government is obliged to provide answers to questions presien. Additionally DPA entitled to judgment on the president.o House of Representatives (DPR) is sebauh legislative body elected by the people obliged apart along - together with the president to make laws shall also supervise tindakkan - the act of the President in the implementation of the policy of the State.o Financial Audit Agency (BPK) is the agency that checks on the financial responsibility of the State. In the performance of its duties free from the influence of government power. CPC double check your master all of the State Budget. The results of the examination are reported to the House.o Mehkamah Court (MA) is the implementing agency of judicial power that the performance of its duties free from the influence of government power and other influences. MA can be considered in the fields of law, whether requested or not requested to the agency - State higher institutions.
To clarify the relationship between the highest institution of the State with State agencies and institutions of high high high state with other State agencies in accordance with the 1945 Constitution, note carefully the chart - below the chart in the elaboration by Kansil.:
Under legislation - 1945 constitution of the Republic of Indonesia government system is as follows:1. Indonesian state based on law, not by power alone.2. System of government based on the constitution (basic law) non-absolutism (unlimited power)3. State power in the hands of the supreme deliberative assembly of the people.4. The President is the supreme organizer of the State government under MPR. In running state government power and responsibility are prsiden hands.5. The President is not accountable to Parliament. The President must be approved by parliaments in shaping legislation - legislation and to set a budget and state spending.6. Minister of State is a presidential aide who appoint and dismiss ministers of State. Minister of State is not responsible to Parliament.7. Head of the State unlimited powers. the president should pay attention to it
Really effort DPRThe power of the State of Indonesia according to the constitution 1 to chapter 16. Article 19 to Article 23 paragraph (1) and paragraph (5), and Article 24 are:
1. Run power laws - State legislation or executive power by the government.
2. The power to give consideration to the state government or consultative powers by DPA.
3. Power to make laws - State laws or legislative powers by Parliament.
4. Powers held a state audit or authority or power inspektif eksaminatif by BPK.
5. Retain regulatory powers - State legislation or judicial power by the Supreme Court.
Based on MPR decree number III / MPR/1978 of the position and relationship functioning of the State with the highest institution or between institutions - High-State institutions are as follows.
1. The state is the highest institution of deliberative assemblies of the people. Assembly as the highest authority in the country by implementing the sovereignty of the people to elect and appoint the president and vice-president or the mandate to carry out the line - State Policy Guidelines (Guidelines) and decisions - decisions MPR. MPR can also dismissed the president before the term of office expired at his own request, was unable to remain in accordance with Article 8 UUD 1945, or indeed - it violates State Policy set by the Assembly.
2. Institutions - State higher institutions in accordance with the order contained in the 1945 Constitution is the president (Article 4-15), DPA (Article 16), the Parliament (Article 19-22), CPC (Article 23), and MA (Article 24).o The President is the organizer of the highest government authority under MPR. In conducting its activities assisted by a vice president. President on behalf of the government (executive) together - together with the House of Representatives to form the law including budget setting. With the approval of the House of Representatives, the president can declare war.o consideration of the Supreme Council (DPA) is a material advisor to the government is obliged to provide answers to questions presien. Additionally DPA entitled to judgment on the president.o House of Representatives (DPR) is sebauh legislative body elected by the people obliged apart along - together with the president to make laws shall also supervise tindakkan - the act of the President in the implementation of the policy of the State.o Financial Audit Agency (BPK) is the agency that checks on the financial responsibility of the State. In the performance of its duties free from the influence of government power. CPC double check your master all of the State Budget. The results of the examination are reported to the House.o Mehkamah Court (MA) is the implementing agency of judicial power that the performance of its duties free from the influence of government power and other influences. MA can be considered in the fields of law, whether requested or not requested to the agency - State higher institutions.
To clarify the relationship between the highest institution of the State with State agencies and institutions of high high high state with other State agencies in accordance with the 1945 Constitution, note carefully the chart - below the chart in the elaboration by Kansil.:
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