political culture
a. understanding Politics
1. Is the result of human reason in the form of beliefs, habits, and customs is standard and a guideline in formulating goals and ways of achieving goals.
2. Of Anthropology goal is the overall system of political culture, ideas, a sense of action and work that produced human life that made hers bermasyarakatb to learn to formulate goals and ways of achieving goals.
b. Types of political culture
1. Type Parochial culture
2. Type culture Kawla / subject
3. Study participants culture
c. Political culture Sosoialisasi
Socialization political culture is part of the process of socialization that particular form of political values.
• The means of dissemination of political culture:
social groups
- job
- Mass media
d. role of participant political culture
1. movement participant political culture
a. modernization
b. changes in the social class structure
c. influence of intellectuals and mass communication.
d. complete between political leaders
e. extensive government involvement in the affairs of socioeconomic culture.
Diaatas is the meaning of the Political Culture ..
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