Local Wind Types In IndonesiaWind is moving air due to the difference in air pressure and the movement of the Earth around the axis. Wind
widely used by man for his well-being such as to pull a boat, a source
of electrical power, air cooling, air conditioning, and so forth.The higher we are, the more tightly the wind that hit us. At night, the wind was not as tight as in the daytime. The wind in the equatorial region of the equator such as Indonesia or the wind is much faster than in the polar regions.Types / Kinds of Wind What's In Indonesia Accompanied Definition / Meaning Definition:1. Sea Wind (Wind Spot)The sea breeze is a wind that blows from the sea towards the land which generally occur during the day from 09.00 until 16.00. The wind is usually exploited by fishermen to return from fishing in the sea.2. Wind Army (Night Wind)Onshore wind is a wind that blows from the land towards the sea which generally occur at night from 20:00 hours to 06:00 hours. The wind kind of helpful for the fishermen to go fishing with a simple wind-powered boat for a bite of rice.3. Wind Mountain (Night Wind)Mountain wind is the wind that blows from mountain top to mountain valleys that occur at night.4. Valley Wind (Wind Spot)Valley wind is the wind that blows from the valley to the peaks that occur during the day.5. Fohn Wind (Wind Waterfall / Wind Fall)Fohn wind is the wind that blows in a region with different temperatures and humidity. Fohn
wind occurs because there is a movement of air masses that rise high
mountains over 200 meters on one side and down the other side.Usually these are the hot winds can cause damage and casualties. Plants exposed to wind may die and humans affected by these winds could down terhada body resistance to disease.Wind or Wind Falling Falls has many names:- Wind gending in East Java- Wind Bahorok in North Sumatra- Wind barubu / Brubu in South Sulawesi- Wind beetle in West Java- Wind wambrau in Papua / Irian Jaya
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